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Bufday Dedication

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Bufday Dedication - Page 2 Empty Re: Bufday Dedication

Post by sakurafie Sat Sep 13, 2008 12:58 am

..wahaha..men saidina mengajar kite menjadi matang dalam menguruskan bisnes n duit..huahuahua~..xpe..nnti ko dtg cni kite men lagi saidina..hoh!!.. Cool
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Life Quote : Life itself is a beauty...
Registration date : 2008-07-13

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Bufday Dedication - Page 2 Empty Re: Bufday Dedication

Post by fuzzy Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:03 am

korang nih terover jadi kanak-kanak ribena...
sume x reti2 nk matang... hahaha

Number of posts : 369
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Registration date : 2008-06-28

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Bufday Dedication - Page 2 Empty Re: Bufday Dedication

Post by sakurafie Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:07 am

..erk..mane ade..walopon kami kdg2 terkurang matang..tapi sbnrnye dlm hal kehidupan..kami matang sebenarnye...hohoho~.. Laughing
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Life Quote : Life itself is a beauty...
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Bufday Dedication - Page 2 Empty Re: Bufday Dedication

Post by yatto Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:11 am

sakurafie wrote:..wahaha..men saidina mengajar kite menjadi matang dalam menguruskan bisnes n duit..huahuahua~..xpe..nnti ko dtg cni kite men lagi saidina..hoh!!.. Cool

ahaha ni btul2 sdh off topic~ Laughing

huhu...ahaha klaka la fila nih...

men saidina mane sme dlm hal2 uruskn bisness lol,
saidina berdasrkn nasib n luck jer..
dadu yng menjadi perthitungan dlm setiap pergrakan kte,
kalu naseb kte bek maka dadu tu akan berputar menikut kehendak nombor yg kte iginkan, nasib x baik wang n tanah y tergadai....

huhu..kalu dlm bisness(reality)...huhu kalu lah leh baling2 dadu je...
ktelah org yng 1st amik course nih ahahaah~
dn ramilah jutawan2 muda dn papa kedana yg lahir d muka bumi ini...

Ceh~ srius plak kte nih hohoho~ Neutral
Primary School
Primary School

Number of posts : 79
Age : 38
Location : Home sweet Home~
Life Quote : i cant be who you r ~
Registration date : 2008-08-25

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Bufday Dedication - Page 2 Empty Re: Bufday Dedication

Post by aen2112 Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:22 am

hhaha..pandai sgguh yat berkate..
ate teman neh mmg kurg arif psl dunia perniagaan..
betul tu saindina just depends on luck..tp kte ley blaja mengira..
krenye aritu je la aku lucky..pasni x tau la ape jd..nk ajk yat men skali..
pe kate len kali kte men bola lak dlm umh...cm besh jer bunyi nye...
pastu penat beli air kt bwh smbil gelak2..hoooo~
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Bufday Dedication - Page 2 Empty Re: Bufday Dedication

Post by sakurafie Sat Sep 13, 2008 2:02 am

..ahahaha..saidina depends on lucky..tp care kite uruskan duit pon ade gak..cth cm awal2 tu..kite kna pndi plan either nk abeshkan duit tu ngan bli sume tanah or nk hold dulu..hohoho~..tapi kalo pki dadu n da bp kali masuk jail mmg taley kate ape la..haha~..eh aen..ko nk men bola sepak ke dlm uma?..mnarik gak tu..haha~
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Registration date : 2008-07-13

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Bufday Dedication - Page 2 Empty Re: Bufday Dedication

Post by yatto Sat Sep 13, 2008 2:08 am

ahaha~ men bola? nk join!! huhu camne lah korg nk men kt dlm umah tu?

aen2112 wrote:pastu penat beli air kt bwh smbil gelak2..hoooo~
owh aen x pose eh...ahahaha Laughing
Primary School
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Number of posts : 79
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Life Quote : i cant be who you r ~
Registration date : 2008-08-25

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Bufday Dedication - Page 2 Empty Re: Bufday Dedication

Post by sakurafie Sat Sep 13, 2008 2:14 am

..hahah..aku rasa kite men bwak bola pingpong dlm sudu la..wat sukaneka..hahah~..men bola gak tu..aku ade bola pingpong kalo nk men..hahah..

ho aen..ko nk glak2 ms bli air cm hr tu ke..adoiyai..pnat seyh..da la bwk air..glak2 lak tu..hahah.. lol!
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Life Quote : Life itself is a beauty...
Registration date : 2008-07-13

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Bufday Dedication - Page 2 Empty Re: Bufday Dedication

Post by yatto Sat Sep 13, 2008 2:28 am

[quote="sakurafie"]..hahah..aku rasa kite men bwak bola pingpong dlm sudu la..wat sukaneka..hahah~..men bola gak tu..aku ade bola pingpong kalo nk men..hahah..

ahaha~ men sukaneka lah plak...teringt plak mase darjah satu
kte masuk acara ni... ahaha~ dpt no.3 tu ahaha....
Primary School
Primary School

Number of posts : 79
Age : 38
Location : Home sweet Home~
Life Quote : i cant be who you r ~
Registration date : 2008-08-25

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Bufday Dedication - Page 2 Empty Re: Bufday Dedication

Post by aen2112 Sat Sep 13, 2008 11:25 am

huwawa=p..lucu sgguh dpt member2 yg asek gelak x kre kt maen...aduiyaii..kalo ajk nabil pon konfirm die kate kte neh sepesen ngn die..
bola pingpong x besh la..ape kate bwk bola ragbi ngn sudu..menarik tu...

siyes da off topic gle2..tp ok la neh bg idea utk ari bufday yat thn depan..ngeh3..
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Registration date : 2008-07-08

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Bufday Dedication - Page 2 Empty Re: Bufday Dedication

Post by sakurafie Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:07 pm

aen2112 wrote:huwawa=p..lucu sgguh dpt member2 yg asek gelak x kre kt maen...aduiyaii..kalo ajk nabil pon konfirm die kate kte neh sepesen ngn die..
bola pingpong x besh la..ape kate bwk bola ragbi ngn sudu..menarik tu...

siyes da off topic gle2..tp ok la neh bg idea utk ari bufday yat thn depan..ngeh3..

wahaha..kite spadan ngan nabil..yeah~..hehe..ko nk bwk bola ragbi ek..xpela..kalo xde bola ragbi..bola sepak, bola basketball or bola baling pon boley~..haha..owh..nxt year nk dok uma same kan..btol la..ley wat tyme yat ny besday..hoho~..
Master Holder
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Number of posts : 423
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Life Quote : Life itself is a beauty...
Registration date : 2008-07-13

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Bufday Dedication - Page 2 Empty Re: Bufday Dedication

Post by fuzzy Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:31 pm

dah2 off topic sgt nih... pasnih bufday sape

Number of posts : 369
Age : 38
Location : DELL Global Business Centre, Cyberjaya
Life Quote : Boredom... Need next event...
Registration date : 2008-06-28

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Bufday Dedication - Page 2 Empty Re: Bufday Dedication

Post by sakurafie Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:39 pm

..pasni?..bln 10 ade bday sape?..
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Life Quote : Life itself is a beauty...
Registration date : 2008-07-13

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Bufday Dedication - Page 2 Empty Re: Bufday Dedication

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